Justin Holtzman, MD, MHSA
Justin Holtzman, MD, MHSA, is a board-certified internist practicing in the Boston area. He received his Bachelor in Business Administration degree from The University of Michigan Ross School of Business in Ann Arbor, MI. Following his undergrad, he completed combined Master of Health Services Administration and Medical Doctorate degrees at The University of Michigan. He then went on to complete his internship in Internal Medicine at St. John Hospital and Medical Center in Detroit, MI, followed by a residency in Internal Medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester, MA.
He has served on the faculty of Harvard Medical School teaching physical exam and clinical reasoning skills to first year medical students. Dr. Holtzman has a passion for primary care, teaching, and delivering the highest quality, evidence-based care to his patients. He welcomes the opportunity to have medical students rotate in his office.
Dr. Holtzman also works as a hospitalist for Medtigo, a private physician group that provides in-patient services throughout the region.
On the off chance that he isn't working, he can be found stranded on his boat in Boston Harbor with his friends and family.